Children are more intelligent than ever in today’s technologically advanced society because they have easy access to gadgets like computers, phones, and tablets. If children select the appropriate subject, this offers them a fantastic learning opportunity. There are many instructional, entertaining, and educational channels on YouTube. However, because there are so many channels available, it might be difficult to discover the greatest material.
Furthermore, not all of the content on YouTube is acceptable for young children, so unless they use YouTube Kids, they can come across unsuitable stuff. Our library has parent instructions for both YouTube and YouTube Kids. Thankfully, kids can enjoy a plethora of kid-friendly YouTube channels.
Crash Course Kids
Crash Course Kids, which bills itself as “Science with a side of awesome,” is a great way to introduce your younger kids to the fascinating field of science. The creators of this program want to make science enjoyable by covering a wide range of subjects, including chemical processes, habitats, and space exploration. Despite being an American YouTube Kids channel, a lot of the material is relevant to students in KS2 and other young people who are curious about how the world functions.
Subscribers: 796K
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National Geographic Kids
An animated version of the National Geographic network, Nat Geo Kids features films about science, culture, animals, and other subjects for younger viewers. It offers brief instructional films that satiate kids’ innate curiosity. With subchannels like Party Animals, Things You Wanna Know, and Contestants for the Best Job Ever, this channel is a great resource for education on YouTube Kids. It is a great tool for introducing people to new ideas and engaging them with intriguing material. When it comes to entertaining and instructional material, parents ought to think about sending their kids to these YouTube Kids channels.
Subscribers: 1.1M
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BrainPOP is the greatest educational channel on YouTube Kids if you’re searching for something to keep your kids interested in a variety of academic areas. It’s packed with animated, curricular material. With content on anything from engineering to Emily Dickinson, this channel is amazing for achieving success.
Subscribers: 191K
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Sesame Street
For more than fifty years, the beloved children’s television program Sesame Street, created by the Sesame Workshop, has been a mainstay. The show’s YouTube Kids account has instructional movies and videos that teach kids vital life skills; these videos YouTube videos are especially helpful for KS1 pupils. The channel offers compilations, themed content centred around holidays and events, and episodes of the critically acclaimed program. Watching characters like Grover and Elmo dance and sing will delight toddlers. The channel is just as popular as the program, which many parents grew up watching and are now excited to share with their kids, with over 23 million subscribers.
Subscribers: 23.7M
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Khan Academy Kids
The goal of the charity Khan Academy is to offer free education to everyone on the planet. Its channel offers professionally made movies covering a variety of academic topics, including guidance videos on procrastination and test anxiety, to mention a couple. The channel has started hosting live “office hours” recently, during which parents, educators, and students may use YouTube’s live chat feature to ask questions.
Subscribers: 239K
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Netflix Jr.
Netflix Jr. offers colourful, captivating material with kid-friendly characters from children’s Netflix series to aid in learning, singing, and playing. If you have the time to help, the DIY videos are entertaining and a terrific opportunity for younger kids to engage in some arts and crafts after school.
Subscribers: 16.2M
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Ryan’s World
Likely, you’ve already heard of this well-known YouTube channel. Ryan’s World, which stars ten-year-old Ryan and has 33.4 million members, offers science experiments, challenges, arts & crafts, and music. The films range in duration from five minutes to thirty minutes, but the topic is consistently interesting and positive. A lively and diverse YouTube Kids channel.
Subscribers: 36.7M
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Gabby & Friends
Real-life youngster Gabby takes her plush cat and speaks some magical words after sharing a surprise. After that, she transforms into a little, animated creature that explores her amazing dollhouse on adventures. On the YouTube Kids channel, children may view whole episodes of the Netflix series Gabby’s Dollhouse. They may also watch videos of easy crafts, music, and educational materials like rainbow colour lessons. Because young children can’t accomplish these crafts on their own, parents may take advantage of this unique opportunity to spend quality time with their toddlers during the crafting videos.
Subscribers: 1.01M
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Ms Rachel’s Songs for Littles
With over two million subscribers, Ms. Rachel’s soothing and melodious voice provides toddlers with lessons on letters, sounds, and numbers. The preschool teacher was inspired to create her channel after her son was diagnosed with a speech delay. With a special focus on language development, Miss Rachel focuses on providing kids with an interactive experience they can follow along with. Here puppet sidekicks Herbie and Georgie also grab kids’ attention.
Subscribers: 8.99M
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Danny Go!
The website states that children ages 2 to 7 are the target audience for this YouTube Kids channel. Danny Go! Inspires children to move by demonstrating easy-to-follow dancing techniques to popular tunes like The Dinosaur Dancing and Fire and Ice Freeze Dance. Regular characters like Mindy Mango, Tiny Danny, and scientist Pap Pap offer educational teachings and movement breaks against vibrant and captivating settings.
Subscribers: 1.35M
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Children’s literacy website StorylineOnline has started a YouTube Kids channel for elementary school-aged kids, where kids can watch performers like Allison Janney and Viola Davis read children’s books with graphics. In addition, the channel offers curriculum guides that go along with instructional titles and are designed to support children in improving their reading and writing comprehension. Titania Jordan, the founder of the platform, thinks parents would find the platform to be a useful resource.
Subscribers: 700K
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PBS Kids
With a ton of engaging instructional videos, PBS Kids is an amazing educational YouTube Kids channel. It includes snippets from a wide range of well-known children’s programs, including Arthur, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Molly of Denali, Sesame Street, Wild Kratts, and Alma’s Way. It is perfect for children of all ages and provides thousands of free games, lesson ideas, and videos.
Subscribers: 2.31M
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To sum up we can say that the majority of the credit for children’s increased intelligence in the modern day belongs to the rapidly advancing technologies. Every child has easy access to a phone, tablet, or laptop these days. Kids may find this to be a very useful educational resource if they decide to ingest the appropriate materials. There is no dearth of amazing instructional YouTube Kids channels that you might recommend to your children. The top educational YouTube channels that are both instructional and fun are listed here.