April Fools’ Day is also known as All Fools’ Day at times. April Fools’ jokes have been around since the 1700s. We believe you will find the history of April Fools’ Day fascinating. Are you planning an abundance of April Fools jokes for your dear ones? You only need to look at these amusing ideas. April Fools’ Day is almost approaching, which makes it the ideal occasion for lightheartedness. Let’s say you have some April Fools’ jokes planned for the office. If that’s the case, you should take care to avoid upsetting or bothering your supervisor or coworkers too much because you have to work with them after the fool’s holiday. We’ve thus compiled a list of some “clean, harmless” April Fools’ jokes for the workplace that won’t result in your termination or other social exclusion. Cheers to teasing!
You Aren’t Silent
Everyone has heard the terrifying tales of people who mistook their screen for being silent and then said something awkward. One way to play a practical joke on your colleagues would be to pretend that you’re silent. You may ask a member of your family to say something incredibly humiliating or even ridiculous. The idea is to see how long your coworkers will stare in horror before telling you that you are muted.
The Stall’s Pants
Generally, you only need to wait for your turn when you notice feet beneath the cubicle. In this instance, you would have to wait an eternity. Place this man in the lavatory at your workplace and observe how long it takes for people to start chatting. All we can hope is that nobody in this unfortunate, empty suit phoned the cops.
Modify the situation on Zoom or Google Meet
Nowadays, most meetings take place digitally via video. Using filters or uploading your original photos, you may change your backdrop to something amusing and interesting. Alternatively, if you wanted to go all out, you could set your background to a video of yourself entering the room, much like this guy did, rather than just a still picture.
Plastic Wrapped Doorway
It may be hilarious to see a colleague bounce off a door, whether it’s the restroom door, the office door or the main door! To prevent the surprise from being spoiled by glare, this practical joke works best in a poorly lit area. Sometimes all that is needed is a waist-high strip that is easiest to hide.
Dead Mouse
No, we’re not discussing the murder of any actual animals here. Place a sticker behind the mouse on their computer as part of an April Fool’s joke. The sticker will prevent the mouse from operating, whether it is a ball-rolling or laser mouse. When they eventually figure out why their mouse isn’t functioning, they’ll find the tape or sticker below it. Inscribe “April Fools” on it.
Held for ransom One of your coworker’s most valuable items should be swiped, hidden, and replaced with an anonymous ransom letter demanding sweets in exchange for the item’s safe return. You set the terms, the location and time of the meeting, etc.
QWERTY Keyboard No More
This April Fools’ workplace joke, QWERTY Keyboard No More, really spells out the holiday. Most individuals write on a keyboard without even looking at the keys; however, you already know where every letter is. See how long it takes a coworker to notice if you remove and reorganise the keys on their keyboard so the letters read APRIL FOOLS on April Fools’ Day.
Largest Admirer at Work
Decorate your boss’s or coworker’s workplace with posters and merchandise from a celebrity they don’t truly care for. Consider Justin Bieber, Spice Girls, politicians, and so forth. Imagine their astonished expression when entering their fan-crazed workspace.
Biggest Fan On The Road
Acquire automotive markers and adorn the gullible victim’s vehicle with professed fandom or anything just as ridiculous. “Justin Bieber’s #1 FAN!” or a similar statement comes to mind. Imagine your coworker’s astonishment upon seeing that, despite believing they had survived the day unscathed, their car has been adorned. But then you have to drive it to the car wash or home? That is valuable.
Would Someone Like A Peanut?
Grab some packing peanuts and decide who will be your victim. Keep the contents of their desk drawers intact, but stuff them full of packing peanuts. Put a note saying, “I hope you’re not allergic to peanuts,” on their desk. They’ll probably be perplexed by the letter and carry on with their day, drawers locked. They will then realise they’ve been duped the first time they open a drawer to get paper or a pen.
“Roaring” with Pleasure
Leave a note on your boss’s desk alerting them to a missed call if they are in a meeting, on the phone, or walking away. This is a fake call from “Bear,” a manager who wants to meet this week for lunch to talk about a potential collaboration. You can contact him at this number. Your employer will probably find out about the joke when they contact their local zoo and someone answers and thanks them. If not, they will go on to ask to talk to “Bear,” which would add even more comedy value to the hoax!
Rubber Critter
This practical joke is sure to make people laugh, whether it’s a rubber snake, spider, mouse, or other terrifying creature. Secure a fishing line to one end of the creature and conceal it in plain sight. Pull the rope to ensure that the movement catches the attention of any unwary victims who are about to cross its path. Then, wait for the victim to scream. Finding a huge spider on your desk or chair might be as alarming if you’re trying to work with less effort.
Chair Wrap
Select your preferred material for this April Fools’ workplace joke, such as foil, wrapping paper, or toilet paper. Completely wrap your coworker’s chair, being sure to tuck a Whoopie Cushion beneath it first. They’ll probably chuckle when they see their chair covered and think the prank is finished, but that is until they sit on the secret Whoopie Cushion. It may be equally as humorous to use a Staples simple Button in place of the Whoopie Cushion.
Assign yourself a new position.
This is your opportunity to switch jobs if you’ve ever wanted to know what it’s like to be CEO for a day! You may update your email signature, instant messaging app, or intranet with your new title. You may even rename yourself Chief Whiner, Oracle of Inspiration, Director of Astonishment, or anything really smart.
Having a few practical jokes under your sleeve for parents, kids, partners, and friends, along with some text-based gags, is always beneficial, regardless of your level of comic experience. Considering practical jokes to do that play on your zodiac sign or making up your own take on tricks you’ve seen in prank videos? That’s all well and good, but bear in mind that we enjoy April Fools’ jokes that are harmless enough not to endanger anyone, yet smart enough to catch a friend or relative off guard.