World Food Safety Day 2024, held annually on June 7th, strives to ensure food safety and quality at all phases of the food chain, including production, harvest, processing, storage, distribution, preparation, and consumption. Food is a basic requirement for all living things, therefore it is critical to educate people about its importance in health, agriculture, food security, and economic prosperity.
Food safety is a scientific approach to ensuring food safety at all times, including handling, preparation, and storage. The World Health Organisation (WHO) continues to promote food safety in government agencies and prevent food-borne illnesses across the world. The day raises awareness and motivates action to avoid, identify, and control foodborne hazards, which benefits food safety, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism, and sustainable development.
The popular proverb “Health is Wealth” emphasises the necessity of understanding which meals are healthy and do not impair our health.
World Food Safety Day Theme 2024
World Food Safety Day 2024 emphasises the significance of food safety and anticipating the unexpected. The subject emphasises the need to take proactive actions to protect the food supply from possible risks while also promoting global health. The 2023 topic was “Food Standards Save Lives,” while the 2022 theme was “Safer Food, Better Health.”
The topic for 2021 was “Safe Food Today for a Healthy Tomorrow,” which emphasised the significance of eating the correct foods for both human health and the environment. Every year, 600 million individuals become contaminated with foodborne diseases, with children under five being particularly vulnerable. The topic for 2024 is “Food Safety: Prepare for the Unexpected,” which raises public awareness and promotes safe food consumption.
History of World Food Safety Day
Every year, over 600 million people become ill as a result of contaminated food, making foodborne disease prevention critical to human health. Labelling, handling cleanliness, and the use of chemicals and preservatives are all examples of safety precautions that can help avoid food poisoning. Organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) develop regulations to keep food safe, but it is a large task that requires everyone’s attention.
In July 2017, the FAO’s 40th session passed a resolution in favour of World Food Safety Day. On December 20, 2018, the UN General Assembly designated World Food Safety Day, and on August 3, 2020, the World Health Assembly resolved to make June 7 an annual World Food Safety Day. The inaugural World Food Safety Day was held in December 2018 with the subject “Food Safety, Everyone’s Business.” The United Nations has charged the World Health Assembly and the Food and Agriculture Organisation with promoting food safety across the world.
Significance of World Food Safety Day
World Food Safety Day is a global awareness campaign that emphasises the relevance of food safety in overall health. It affects everyone since food contamination can spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. The day calls for global awareness and action to safeguard food and establish standards for good hygiene in food storage and delivery.
Healthy food intake is essential for a healthy life, and World Food Safety Day emphasises the need for food safety procedures and the provision of nutritious food. It reminds us of our common objective of keeping food safe, protecting food, and keeping us healthy by emphasising the need for food safety procedures in distribution.
World Food Safety Day 2024 is noteworthy because it encourages action to improve food safety and lessen the global burden of foodborne diseases. With the COVID-19 scenario, there is an urgent need to ensure healthcare, boost immunity, avoid foodborne infections, and establish good, hygienic habits in agricultural regions, marketplaces, and other food-handling facilities. Understanding the history, issues, and significance of today allows us to collaborate to establish a safer and better global food system.
How to Celebrate World Food Safety Day
To commemorate World Food Safety Day, use social media to raise awareness about the significance of food safety. Share your thoughts on Twitter using the hashtag #WorldFoodSafetyDay. The United Nations and other organisations, such as the World Health Organisation and the Food and Agriculture Organisation, host a variety of events to discuss food safety measures.
For further event information, please visit their websites. Additionally, download promotional items such as cards, posters, and gifs and email them to friends and family to raise awareness of the situation. This enjoyable and engaging method to commemorate World Food Safety Day is an excellent approach to raising awareness about the significance of food safety.
World Food Safety Day 2024, which takes place annually on June 7th, strives to ensure food safety and quality at all levels of the food chain. It emphasises the significance of food safety for health, agriculture, food security, and economic growth. The day increases awareness and stimulates people to take action to prevent, identify, and manage foodborne dangers, which benefits food safety, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism, and sustainability.