World Sparrow Day 2025: History, Meaning and Significance

World Sparrow Day, observed annually on March 20, is an international initiative by the Nature Forever Society of India, Eco-Sys Action Foundation, and other organizations to raise awareness about the House Sparrow and other common birds in urban environments. Celebrating World Sparrow Day 2025 provides information on conserving birds and encourages people to appreciate biodiversity and nature. The day also serves as a platform for those working to protect and preserve sparrows in their homes. Various events, campaigns, and activities are organized to encourage participation in the cause.

world sparrow day

Meaning of World Sparrow Day 2025

  • World Sparrow Day is an annual event held on March 20 to promote awareness about the role of sparrows and other common birds in our ecology.  
  • These little birds are sometimes ignored, yet they perform an important role in preserving the balance of nature.  
  • World Sparrow Day was created by Indian environmentalist Mohammed Dilawar, who started the Nature Forever Society in 2005 to protect house sparrows and other common flora and animals. 
  • The inaugural World Sparrow Day was held on March 20, 2010, coinciding with the equinox, a day when day and night are almost equal in duration.  
  • Since its conception, the day has received worldwide recognition and support from people, environmentalists, and government agencies.

History of World Sparrow Day 2025

  • The Nature Forever Society of India, the Eco-Sys Action Foundation of France, and other groups throughout the world started the effort to mark World Sparrow Day, which was first observed in 2010.  
  • In addition to highlighting the beauty and richness of other common birds, the festival seeks to increase awareness of house sparrows, a common bird that shares a habitat with people.  
  • Mohammed Dilawar, an Indian conservationist, launched the campaign in Nashik to launch the idea.  
  • In 2010, the inaugural World Sparrow Day was celebrated worldwide, giving bird conservationists a chance to connect and share ideas for better conservation.
  • Sparrows, which are common in urban areas, require cool shade and water during harsh summers. 
  • They are on the verge of extinction due to noise pollution, lack of nesting sites in modern buildings, pesticide usage, and food scarcity. 
  • The awareness created led to the house sparrow becoming the state bird of Delhi in 2012.
  • As the campaign continues, more people are joining the cause to conserve these birds as a way of giving back to nature. Some have even created bird nests for sparrows and other common birds in the community.

Theme of World Sparrow Day 2025

The theme for World Sparrow Day 2025 is “A Tribute to Nature’s Tiny Messengers,” which emphasizes the role of sparrows in preserving ecological balance and encouraging conservation initiatives. The day’s goal is to enhance awareness of human-sparrow contact and emphasize the simple gestures that have a huge influence on sparrows’ lives, creating a greater interest in sparrows.

Significance of World Sparrow Day 2025

  • The purpose of World Sparrow Day 2025 is not only to honor the event but also to emphasize the importance of sparrow conservation and urban biodiversity. 
  • The celebration of World Sparrow Day 2025 aims to protect these animals from pollution and to admire nature’s beauty. 
  • It also provides a meeting ground for people from different parts of the world to advocate for biodiversity conservation. 
  • The day raises awareness about sparrows’ importance in the ecosystem, encourages conservation efforts, educates people about bird-friendly cities and homes, and promotes community involvement in biodiversity conservation.
  • An important occasion that brings attention to the dwindling sparrow population and its relationship to the environment is World Sparrow Day.  
  • It encourages ecological balance and biodiversity and provides a forum for legislative lobbying, educational initiatives, and community involvement.  
  • The purpose of the day is to draw attention to the predicament of the sparrow and to encourage those who value their beauty to do the same.  
  • House Sparrows used to be prevalent in backyards, but as we have lost connection with nature and biodiversity, it has become harder for them to survive in cities.

Celebration of World Sparrow Day 2025

  • To safeguard sparrows, build nests, give them water, and position feeders in open spaces.  Participate in bird-watching excursions, awareness campaigns, seminars, school programs, and the distribution of nest boxes and feeders.  
  • Plan walks and treks with family and friends to feed and document sparrows.  
  • Make memories by making stickers or posters and recording your experiences.  
  • To promote awareness of sparrows, organize a sparrow event that includes education, entertainment, and poetry.  
  • Organize activities such as sparrow poetry, photography competitions, and treasure hunts to inspire people to create sparrow-friendly environments.

How To Celebrate World Sparrow Day 2025


Sparrow nest: 

Sparrow food: 


World Sparrow Day is a day set aside to conserve sparrows, a bird whose numbers are dwindling owing to urbanization, pollution, and habitat degradation.  By installing feeders and raising awareness, we may help to protect them and guarantee that future generations can enjoy their cheery chirps.  This day recognizes these lovely birds and urges us to work towards their survival.  Explore the date, topic, history, significance, events, celebration ideas, activities, and inspirational quotations associated with this day.

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