Through the practice of yoga, people may grow their bodies, minds, and spirits and become the greatest versions of themselves. When used in more active forms, it can also be a useful weight-loss strategy. There are more physically demanding forms of yoga, but all types of yoga can help build muscular tone and enhance metabolism.
Power, vinyasa, and Ashtanga yoga are examples of vigorous, active techniques that help burn calories and stop weight gain. Despite not being very physically demanding, restorative yoga pose is beneficial in helping overweight women reduce their weight, especially their belly fat. This is especially helpful for people whose weight can make doing intense yoga poses challenging.
yoga poses burn calories, improve awareness, and lowers stress, all of which can aid in behavioural change, weight reduction, and maintenance. This can reduce food consumption and raise consciousness of the consequences of overindulging.
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)
A well-liked yoga pose called Surya Namaskar addresses the muscles of the neck, shoulders, spine, arms, hands, wrists, legs, and back. Because it tones the entire body, it is the perfect series of exercises for weight reduction. Keep your navel tucked in and do at least ten Sun Salutations to complete the Surya Namaskar.
Stepping, stepping, or walking your feet back into Plank pose, holding this pose for five breaths or more, dropping your knees, extending your legs, turning your feet to the mat, holding Cobra pose, lowering back down and pushing up into Downward Facing Dog, and standing in a Forward Bend are some of the poses. Twelve yoga positions make up a round of Sun Salutation; each set consists of two rounds that stretch the body’s left and right sides. It takes 12 to 15 minutes to perform 12 sets of Sun Salutations.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
The yoga pose known as Bhujangasana, or the Cobra Pose helps tone and develop the muscles in the arms, back, and belly. Although it isn’t a weight reduction strategy per se, it helps with weight loss indirectly by strengthening muscles and enhancing posture. Bhujangasana practice regularly can assist in reducing fat in the stomach area and abdominal muscles, as well as flattening the stomach. Laying on your stomach, extending your hands ahead, raising your body and glancing forward, releasing your glutes, raising your knee and hip, and pushing your foot and hand into the mat are the steps to achieving this posture.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
Yoga’s Setu Bandha Sarvangasan helps people lose weight by shaping their bodies into bridges. By stimulating the thyroid gland, which releases a hormone that regulates metabolism, this position helps with fat burning and metabolism. Moreover, it activates the digestive organs in the abdomen. Lying on one’s back, bending the knees, pressing down, and raising the torso are the movements involved in this position. This position helps improve digestion and muscular tone, lowers menopausal symptoms and hypertension, strengthens the thyroid, glutes, shoulder, thighs, and back, and helps promote weight reduction.
Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
A yoga stance called utkatasana (chair pose) works the legs, glutes, and core muscles, increasing metabolism and burning calories. One of the finest yoga poses for weight reduction is this one since it tones the knees, thighs, and legs while also raising the metabolic rate. The lower body muscles in this posture are targeted, including those in the hips, waist, abdomen, pelvis, inner and outer thighs, and glutes. Start the posture by standing upright, extending your arms over your head, bending your knees parallel to the floor, and making the namaste motion. It may be possible to lose weight more quickly by holding the pose for 30 seconds.
Konasana (Sideways Bending Pose)
As a yoga pose for weight loss, konasana helps by encouraging attention and physical exercise. Ultimately, Konasana (Sideways Bending Pose) will be just as successful in reducing belly fat as any other yoga pose in helping to burn fat around the waist. Additionally, by promoting flexibility, balance, and digestive system stimulation, adding Konasana to your regular yoga practice can indirectly aid in weight reduction attempts.
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
A well-liked yoga pose called Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) helps to tone the arms and legs and promote abdominal flexibility, which helps to reduce belly fat. By increasing metabolism and muscle mass, it helps manage weight without being a direct weight reduction aid. Stretching the entire body, strengthening the core and abdominal area, toning the belly and back, and improving posture are all advantages of this position. It targets the arms, legs, hips, back, chest, and abs. Keep your face down, bend your knees, and grip your ankle to complete the pose. Holding your ankle, raise your thighs and torso off the floor. Breathe continuously while you hold this position for 20 seconds.
Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
Warrior posture, or Virabhadrasana, is a yoga posture that helps with intense exercises and tones the arms, legs, and lower back. To stay strong in the position, it is advised to take ujjayi breaths. By boosting blood flow and oxygen to the muscles, the stance also boosts metabolism, allowing the body to burn fat and calories even while at rest.
Warrior I posture is an upper body exercise that energises the entire body, strengthens the arms, shoulders, and legs, and improves balance. To do this posture, stand upright, extend your legs straight without bending your knees, rotate your upper body, elevate your hand in a wing-like manner, and hold the pose for ten seconds.
Phalakasana (Plank pose)
One of the best yoga poses for training your core is the plank. It may seem easy to you, but there are a lot of advantages. Plank exercises improve the strength of your abdominal, core, buttocks, thighs, shoulders, and back. To perform a plank, place yourself in a push-up posture and elevate your body off the surface using your hands, wrists, and elbows. Raise your head and let your neck loose. For as long as you can, maintain the posture.
Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
The triangle position promotes blood circulation throughout the body, tones the thighs, releases tension in the lower obliques, and eases back pain. This stance can help you burn fat around your waist and abdomen, which can jumpstart your weight reduction journey. Place your right foot ahead, move your left leg slightly to the right, and bend down while keeping your feet about three feet apart. Now, extend your left hand to touch the floor or feet, and then extend your right hand to the ceiling. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds.
Adho mukha svanasana (Downward facing dog pose)
The downward-facing dog stance is the ideal yoga posture to achieve body toning. This posture strengthens your back, hamstrings, thighs, glutes, and arms. Although it appears to be a resting stance, there is a burn when you do it. Start by putting your knee and hands down several feet apart. Now try bringing your knees off the floor and pressing your heels down to straighten your legs. Apply your palm’s pressure to force them onto the ground. Hold the position for ten seconds.
Yoga Nidra
There’s a connection between sleep and weight. A weight surge is caused by fat accumulating more quickly when you sleep less. Yoga Nidra combines meditation and sleep with extra power to re-energize our bodies. To put it another way, yoga nidra means “sleeping consciously.” Yoga Nidra is the ideal form of yoga for weight reduction because it induces conscious relaxation, which makes the sleep it provides far more potent than sleep itself. Additionally, Yoga Nidra facilitates deeper sleep. It’s a method of relaxation that can help you reduce stress and boost your weight loss efforts.
Yoga pose is an effective tool for mental health, personal development, and general well-being. It may be applied in many different ways, such as in yoga Nidra, restorative yoga, and vigorous yoga. By enhancing consciousness, reducing tension, and burning calories, restorative yoga assists overweight women in losing weight. Surya Namaskar, Bhujangasana, Upatasana, Bow Pose, Virabhadrasana, Warrior I, Plank, Triangle, and Downward-facing Dog Stance are some of the often practised yoga poses. The practice of Yoga Nidra, a meditation and sleep combined, revitalises the body and encourages mindful relaxation.